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A Comfort-driven Smart Shading Ecosystem Featuring Zigbee®

Built for Everyone

The Somfy Comfort-Driven Ecosystem

Meet our smart shading ecosystem featuring Zigbee 3.0 technology:

At Somfy, our business is more than motorization and automation. For over 50 years, our pioneering spirit has been rooted in creating comfort and convenience for our customers. With Somfy Smart Shading now on Zigbee® 3.0, Somfy ensures seamless comfort for everyone – from manufacturers on the production floor to the installer to the end user.

Bridging Connections with Somfy's Zigbee-Compatible Solutions

The Zigbee 3.0 protocol is an interoperable, globally adopted and secure IoT solution used to connect smart home devices to a consistent network and language. Zigbee creates an ecosystem of products that work seamlessly together, and that ecosystem now includes products from Somfy North America, easing the integration process and increasing comfort for end users.

Somfy is a proud member of the Connectivity Standards Alliance, an organization devoted to developing, certifying, and promoting IoT (Internet of Things) technology standards, including Zigbee.

The Comfort of Technology That Simply Works

Connectivity and advanced control for Somfy-powered shades

Connectivity and advanced control for Somfy-powered shadesSomfy’s TaHoma switch uses technology that’s open and forward-looking. TaHoma provides a single platform for RTS, Zigbee and future ecosystems. Live a more comfortable and convenient life with intuitive control of both natural and artificial lighting, and the ability to configure your smart home via leading consumer platforms.

The TaHoma® app enables users to set up and configure their products, and access their smart shading from anywhere.

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